When receiving any procedure on the eye, the patient should strictly adhere to the doctor’s implicit instructions for post-surgical care. The recovery period depends on this and the particular procedure performed. Because sight is one of the most important and vulnerable abilities that humans possess, it is important to follow a few basic rules, as well as any specialized instructions to prevent impairing or even preventing altogether a successful recovery. The doctor’s instructions are paramount, but these instructions will ease and assist the eye’s natural ability to recover successfully.
An ophthalmologist will schedule follow up visits one to two days after LASIK eye surgery. It is very important to keep these appointments. This allows the doctors to assess the recovery and success of the surgery throughout the process. Patients should avoid swimming, contact sports, very hot soaks or hot tubs for the first month following the procedure. In the first three days, all strenuous activities should be avoided, as well as any solution or make up for the first couple of weeks. LASIK procedures continue to be cutting edge in safe and effective vision improvement. There is not a great incidence of complications even when compared to totally successful procedures.
The next basic instruction is to avoid the urge to rub the affected eyes. Rubbing the eyes can cause damage to eyes that recently incurred a procedure. Rubbing the affected eyes can also lengthen and hamper the healing process. Although the doctor will prescribe something if the discomfort is unbearable, eyes that are watery and blurred, and light sensitive is simply the common accompanying discomfort associated with the procedure that produces the urge to rub. However, these symptoms will recede in forty-eight to seventy-two hours if not hampered by rubbing.