LASIK Eye Surgery Alternatives Offered in Las Vegas
Not everyone is a candidate for LASIK surgery. Fortunately, Abrams Eye Institute offers LASIK alternatives to correct poor vision.
Many people have undergone LASIK surgery with astounding results. They now enjoy excellent vision, freedom from the use of temporary corrective lenses in the form of eyeglasses or contacts, and can explore their world in a host of new and exciting ways. As well, technologies for vision improvement seem to be frequently developed that refine techniques and tools that precede them. Perhaps you are interested in improving your own vision, and would like to know more about the options available to you.
If you’ve investigated LASIK surgery to correct poor vision, but your eye doctor has informed you that you’re not a candidate for the technique, you should know that there are a number of alternative therapies available to you. Once you know all the options, you can consult an ophthalmologist and choose the one that suits your eyes and you the best.
Reasons why LASIK isn’t for you include:
- A history of dry eyes
- Cornea scarring
- Thin corneas
- Too many refractive errors
- Large pupils
If you aren’t a candidate for LASIK, we offer you the following alternative therapies to consider:
PRK, or photorefractive keratechtomy is similar to LASIK because the same type of excimer laser is employed. However, rather than creating a corneal flap, the laser gently reshapes the cornea through surface application. When LASIK surgery was invented, this therapy fell into disuse, in part because of the shorter healing time required for LASIK. PRK is a precursor technique to LASIK, and while healing may require several additional days, the therapeutic effects are identical. Hence, it is still highly effective and may provide the ideal option for patients who cannot undergo LASIK surgery.
CLR is clear lens replacement surgery. This technique is generally ideal for patients who suffer from presbyopia or extreme farsightedness (hyperopia) and are not ideal candidates for LASIK or PRK. For many such patients, CLR is the only viable option to substantively reduce post-op reliance on glasses and remedy their conditions. It is, however, stringently not recommended if either LASIK or CLR are still acceptable options.
As always, you should know that our ophthalmologists are committed to finding the right alternative for you. We pride ourselves on providing safe, lasting results and compassionate, detail-oriented care to each patient we serve; we will only ever recommend a procedure that perfectly suits your needs and situation. Don’t spend another moment with imperfect vision. Come and see us today.