Keratoconus Strikes All Six Members of a Las Vegas Family

All Six Members of Las Vegas Family Have Keratoconus

In my experience at Abrams Eye Institute, it is always difficult to see a child with a potentially blinding eye disease like Keratoconus. Needless to say, it is doubly heart-wrenching to see twins with this condition. Yet this is the case for two of my patients, teenage boys in the prime of their lives dealing with a loss of their distance vision. They are good students and have such bright futures ahead of them.

Even more disheartening is that all six family members including mom, dad, their 12 year old daughter and 9 year old son all have Keratoconus. Keratoconus is a condition in which the clear tissue on the front of the eye (cornea) bulges outward. About 1 in 500 people suffer from Keratoconus.

The good news is that Keratoconus is treatable with Intacs.  Intacs are  inserted into the cornea to help reshape and stabilize it.

I am proud to say that Abrams Eye Institute is the only practice in Nevada to offer laser assisted Intacs placement. Using the Intralase laser provides extreme precision and increased safety with minimal to no discomfort for the patient. For the past year, I have been using the iFS laser for better alignment and higher accuracy in placement of Intacs with exceptional results.

The procedure takes about five minutes, ten minutes for the two boys since I will do their two surgeries back to back.

I am confident the boys will have a successful outcome. Their surgeries take place over Spring Break because they did not want to miss school. When they return to classes in April, their vision will be much improved. Cases like these are what drives me to get the best tools and be the best surgeon for patients at Abrams Eye Institute.

If you or someone you know suffers from Keratoconus, Abrams Eye Institute can help. It is important to catch Keratoconus before the disease progresses. If it progresses too far, the patient may  need a corneal transplant.

Call our office at 702-304-9494 to set up a consultation with me so we can map out a plan to save your vision. March is Save Your Vision Month.

Dr. Abrams performing laser assisted Intacs surgery