Ring in the New Year with New and Improved Vision with Laser LASIK
It’s always a challenge to find the right gift for the right person during the holidays. You want to get your loved one something that’s meaningful, useful, and will last them a lifetime. Laser LASIK eye surgery, as done by Abrams Eye Institute, is one of those gifts that are incredibly personal and is the solution for all their problems. Of course, your loved one will always treasure a quirky random cat coffee mug or a photo album. But what better way to experience the New Year, than with crystal clear vision!
Take a look! Has your loved one expressed or identified with any of these problems? Maybe it’s time that you help your loved one – kick their spectacles to the curb and give them a gift of clear vision:
- A MILD PANIC ATTACK enough to give themselves a heart attack because they forgot where they placed their glasses? Imagine if they were on vacation? Sightseeing just isn’t quite as fun without, well, sight.
- FRUSTRATED because babies think glasses are the funniest toys and will rip them off your loved ones face at the first possible chance?
- SQUINTING because while jumping up and down to the music at “Life Is Beautiful,” and one contact falls out. What’s the point of going if you won’t even be able to see the artists that you came for?
If you’re looking for a meaningful gift to give your loved one for the holidays, consider vision correction options as a personal and heartfelt way to bring light into their life.
If you’re ready to help your significant other take the next step to clearer vision, then it’s time to schedule their FREE consultation! Here’s a sneak peek into what you can expect during their appointment:
The team at Abrams Eye Institute will check the overall health of their eyes and stability of their vision, similar to what you’ve probably experienced at your optometrist. We’ll also review their detailed treatment plan, cover the costs involved, as well as discuss and payment options (such as our financing and use of FSA or HSA plans), and find a date and time for their procedure.
If LASIK isn’t the best solution we’ll introduce them to other procedures or options that may be a better fit.
If you think this would be the perfect gift for YOU or your loved one, find your nearest office and schedule your FREE consultation online. You can also give us a call a 702.304.9494 and we’ll get you both on the books.