When Is The Best Time To Consider LASIK Eye Surgery?

Today, ophthalmologists often recommend LASIK eye surgery as an alternative to glasses or contacts for correcting impaired vision. LASIK is a popular treatment for conditions like farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism for those seeking clearer vision with fewer risks compared to other alternative surgical treatments. Since people of all ages may experience problems with their eye sight, it is not uncommon for patients to ask if their age can determine whether or not they would be a candidate for the procedure.

To date, LASIK has been performed on people in a wide range of age groups with much success, but your ophthalmologist will tell you that there are a number of factors that go into determining whether a patient is a good fit for the procedure. Corrective laser surgery is approved for people age 18 and over, but having fully developed eyes is an important consideration so most candidates are advised to undertake the surgery sometime between their 20s and 30s. Commonly, as long as a patient’s prescription has been at a stable level for approximately two years, laser treatment is a viable option for vision correction.

As time progresses, a person’s eyes can change again at various ages such as in their 40s, 60s, and even later on, which might prevent LASIK from being performed safely and effectively. For older patients, cataracts can pose a problem and generally can prevent laser corrective surgery as a viable option. Other eye conditions which usually come later in life can often be treated with alternative methods and procedures, but can also be roadblocks to LASIK surgery for those considering their options.

Ultimately, there is not a concrete number for an age limit when it comes to LASIK. As long as a person’s vision has been at a stable level for some time, and there are no conditions that would pose a risk or prevent the procedure, generally laser correction would be a beneficial alternative to other methods. Anyone considering the treatment should discuss it with their ophthalmologist so they can receive the peace of mind that comes with professional guidance and get the best recommendation based on the health of their eyes.